Etusivu > Tuotteet > Fancoil
Wolf fan coil units may be installed instead of ordinary radiators, offering considerably increased heating output, rapid warm up, ventilation, cooling and filtering of room air.

- 7 unit sizes at an air volume of 150-1077 cbm/h
- Heating outputs up to 13,4 kW
- Cooling outputs up to 6 kW
- Optional coil design (ChW / LPHW)
- Applicable for fresh air, mixed air and return air operation
- Suitable for ventilation, heating, cooling and filtering of room air
- Space saving, easy installation
- Universally applicable: For new and old buildings, office and administration buildings, schools, restaurants, hotels, surgeries etc.
- Up to 4 different fan coil units may be operated in parallel via one control unit
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